1555 Poli St.
Ventura, California

Russian pianist Alexander Ghindin is a seasoned artist emerging as a major force in the international world of piano. In 1994, at age 17, he became the youngest musician to win the prestigious International Tchaikovsky Competition, and in 2007, he won first prize in the Cleveland International Piano Competition. His Tuesday, May 5 concert promises to delight audiences with a traditional Russian program that encompasses the season’s theme.

Date: Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Time: 7:30 pm
Where: Community Presbyterian Church, 1555 Poli St.
Prices: $40, $25, $15(students with ID)
Tickets: www.venturamusicfestival.org or (805) 648-3146

Official Website: http://www.venturamusicfestival.org

Added by Ventura Music Festival on March 10, 2009