7 East 36th Street
New York, New York 10016

On June 4, teams of foodies will race around Manhattan in a competition that gives new meaning to “dine and dash,” in the second Taste of New York Race!

Last year’s hunt was so successful that were bringing back the fun with new clues, new restaurants, and more things to eat. Contestants will follow a set of clues to over a dozen restaurants, from the East River to the Hudson. At each location, they’ll receive a sample of the eatery’s cuisine, and will document their trek with a photo of the team chowing down. Although the specific locations are top secret, racers will get a culinary tour of the world in one city, from Mexican to Thai to NYC's own pizza. The race will also include a photo scavenger hunt with food-related items to spot around the city.

At the finish line, all participants will receive gift bags with restaurant gift certificates, gym memberships (to help burn off those calories!), and a copy of the 2011 Neighborhood Eats dining card, with over $1,000 worth of dining deals. Plus, the team with the most photos will win a special grand prize!

Official Website: http://www.theamazingnewyorkrace.com

Added by amazingnyrace on May 14, 2011