32083 Alvarado Niles Rd
Union City, California 94587

The course combines a powerful breathing technique called Sudarshan Kriya - which brings a state of physical, mental, and emotional well-being and peace – with practical wisdom for getting the most out of life.

In Sudarshan Kriya, we get into the rhythm of our being and see how our being is permeating our emotions, our thoughts, our breath and our bodies. Soon, every cell of our body becomes alive and releases all the toxins and negative emotions it has stored from times past. Once again, we are able to smile from our hearts.

Participants leave the course with specific techniques they can practice every day. These practices are sacred treasures that grow in value over the years, as the benefits continue to blossom in daily life.

To find more information about the benefits of the Art of Living Course and the Art of Living Foundation visit http://us.artofliving.org/art-of-living-course/index.html

Added by Chaitra Chandrashekar on July 23, 2009