817 E Strawbridge Ave
Melbourne, Florida 32901

Stephen James Comedy Troupe performs at Melbourne Civic Theatre in a all-new comedy contest, with more than $500.00 in prizes. The audience are the judges at Melbourne Civic Theatre. Show dates May 15th-16th 8pm, General admission 15.00 Call or write Stephen James at [email protected] or 321-951-0105

As you may already know, that the last comedy show at Melbourne Civic Theatre ran two consecutive sell out nights, people having to be turned way. The reviews from the audience where amazing. With this in mind, we have concluded that Melbourne is craving a new, affordable comedy venue. So again, we are embarking on the endeavor to develop this comedy platform by opening it up to the many talented, funny folks of the county. I would be ecstatic to tell you more about it. Call or write me at [email protected] or 321-951-0105

Andy McIlwraith
Cheryl Le Masters
Chris Green
Ed Colon
Kerrie Kibling
Mike Mellon
Ron Knox
Stephen James

Added by stephenjamescomedy on April 24, 2009

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