375 North Pace blvd
Pensacola, Florida 32501

Hurrey-UP Stage & FilmWorks presents its productions of "For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide When the Rainbow is Enuf" by Ntozake Shange, and "The Colored Museum" by George C. Wolfe. As part of The Soul Plays series, both plays will be performed in repertoire. Attending both plays is encouraged to gain the richest experience from a repertory theatre style.

Performances for "For Colored Girls…" will be February 17, 19, & 25 at 8pm. Performances for "The Colored Museum" will be February 18, 24, & 26 at 8pm.

Plays contain adult content and mature language. Tickets will be available at The Gathering Awareness Bookstore, 2737 N. “E” St, Pensacola, Florida and at the door. All performances will be held at the Pensacola Improv Event Center, 375 N Pace Blvd.

Official Website: http://www.drumdancetheater.com

Added by HurreyUP on February 11, 2009

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