30-09 21st St
Astoria, New York 11102

This is a great date night spot! If you're looking for something relaxed to do with friends, you've found your event. Sunday evenings are lush with drink specials and always a good time. With the best vodka selection in the city, you can party like a Russian or if 'sophistocate' is more your style, enjoy any of the unique wines or beers they have on tap. The live music is perfectly complimentary to the venue and a great background to your delicious dinner. Voted Shecky's Bar of the Week, this is a spot you can't miss...so, head out with your guy/gal, grab your friends and have a relaxing evening serenaded by the beautiful Shells (folk-pop harmony trio) You're sure to become Club 21's & The Shells' new biggest fan.

Official Website: http://www.reverbnation.com/theshells

Added by The Shells on February 27, 2009