16330 NE 4th St
Bellevue, Washington 98007

Free! Come and learn one of the most damaging relationship "dances" that we do, and how to stop doing it! This fun, free gift to the community will highlight this dance, as well as talk about Boundaries in all types of relationships. Join us, learn alot, and have fun too! Held in Bellevue at the Bellevue Unity Church (not affiliated), this amazing class might just change your life! go to www.joancasey.com to register online instantly, and read free articles! Class if from 6:30-9:30 PM. See you there!

Bellevue Unity Church in the Crossroads neighborhood:
16330 NE 4th St Bellevue, WA 98008
Register instantly and receive directions in your e-mail box at www.joancasey.com

Official Website: http://www.joancasey.com

Added by JoanCasey on July 26, 2007

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