2218 48th Ave
San Francisco, California 94116

You CAN make create and maintain lasting lifelong health in your self or your clients/loved ones!

The School for Self-Healing is a local nonprofit with a global outreach whose mission is to educate the physically and visually challenged how to create and maintain optimal health, and to educate the public how to prevent degenerative conditions common to today's lifestyles. www.self-healing.org.

In Segment A you will focus on improving breathing, circulation, digestion and the health of bones and joints, with an introduction to natural vision improvement. Learn the Meir Schneider Self-Healing Method, which uniquely integrates therapeutic massage, movement and natural vision improvement exercises and apply techniques that bring dramatic improvements for people with limited movement, chronic pain conditions, arthritis, repetitive strain injures, breathing problems, diabetes, osteoporosis and vision problems, even during class. Learn to develop your therapeutic touch.

Register for August and get special tuition discount! http://www.self-healing.org/top-menu/services/training/

Email [email protected] or call 415-665-9574

Added by schoolforselfhealing on August 4, 2010