601 Santa Monica Blvd
Santa Monica, California 90401

I am very excited about this Event. We will be discussing some success principles and Universal Laws such as The Law of Attraction and how you can apply them to get what you want in Life. This will be an interactive event in which we will all have lots of fun. We have a very special guest named Gaia who will be leading us in a prosperity meditation. We will also be discussing making a decision and how the decision you are not making right now could be holding you back from achieving your desired result.

Gaia is a certified Kundalini Yoga / Meditation Instructor and wonderful woman. I am very excited to give everyone the opportunity to meet her.

6:15-6:40 Will be registration and a chance to network. ( Bring your business cards )

6:40-7:40 Gaia will be teaching us a little bit about Kundalini and guiding us in the Breath of Fire and through a prosperity meditation.

7:40-8:45 Now that you are primed and ready to allow abundance into your life we will discuss decision making, the importance of making decisions, the enemy's of decision making, and how to do make the right decision every time.
Led by David Sandercott International Trainer / Entrepreneur

8:45-8:59 We will wrap up and answer questions

9:00 Raffle Drawing for a free Kundalini Yoga session with Gaia

Official Website: http://www.meetup.com/The-Santa-Monica-Mastermind/

Added by dsandercott on May 15, 2009

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