513 Main St
Longmont, Colorado 80501

The Ride with Santa, World Premier
What happens when the kid who wins the Ride with Santa on Christmas Eve Contest is not the compassionate kind of kid Santa was hoping for? Santa has a tough road ahead, trying to nudge Eddy into sharing and giving, through their journey together as they fly around the world on Christmas Eve. Joining in the fun are Mrs. Santa,(who eases her stress with chocolate), the elves, the reindeer and kangaroos, and the dancing clock who tries to slow down time. The whole family will enjoy this fun, rollicking musical with a message.
Story, music and lyrics by Debi Stevenson
Directed by Jim Kimbrough
Rated G

December 2011 8, 9, 10, 11*, 16, 17, 18*

Evening shows start at 7:00. Matinees at 2:00.

All tickets are $10. Not part of season ticket package.

www.longmonttheatre.org or call 303-772-5200

Added by anttraco on November 8, 2011

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