175 N State St
Chicago, Illinois 60601

Adapted for the stage by Frank Mahon and Milissa Pacelli, 'The Quiet Man Tales' is based on 'Green Rushes,' the classic book of short stories by Maurice Walsh. Published in 1935, the book was the inspiration for the legendary 1952 Academy Award-winning film 'The Quiet Man,' which was directed by John Ford and starred Maureen O'Hara and John Wayne. Set in the sweeping Irish countryside in the midst of the country?s battle for freedom from England in 1921 and the years that follow, 'The Quiet Man Tales' is a humorous and poignant story of the interconnected lives of the men and women who fought in the Irish War of Independence. The production features beautiful traditional Irish music and pre-show music performed by Chicago-area Irish musicians. For the first time ever, this beloved Irish story is told on stage in the rich context of Walsh's other stories, and offers plenty of laughs, plenty of drama, and plenty of action -- entertainment in the grand style.

Added by Upcoming Robot on April 9, 2009