Online Webinar
This is a virtual event, California

Learn why Targeting, Profiling and Personalization are so important today.

Today's customers are constantly bombarded with too much information - they're bewildered and they tune out. If you're not relevant you are history. Their dollars flow to the source that most effectively caters to their needs and whims - that knows them best.

This webinar shows you why relevance is so important and gives real life examples of companies that use it effectively. You'll also learn how technology can take this complex problem and make it simple. We'll share several practical considerations for targeting, profiling and personalization including:

Think context: culture, time and space

Be relevant from the first click, on multiple pages

Profile constantly, quickly adapt to changes

Don't jump to conclusions!

"Using segmentation and personalization techniques to help customers discover products and enable marketers to target them with effective content... has become critical to optimize the sites and drive the business." Brian Walker, Forrester.

Around the world, progressive companies are applying this advice-and increasing response rates by more than 500% while cutting costs as much as 80%.

R E G I S T E R:

Added by Ivana Gaspic on August 2, 2011

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