3134 22nd Street,
San Francisco, California 94110

With communal great compassion, all monastics and congregation of Hua Zang Si temple in San Francisco will hold Prayer Dharma Assembly to express their condolences for the victims of Haiti Earthquake. In the Dharma Assembly, a sutra will be chanted and the merit will be dedicated to the victims so that the deceased will rest in peace and their families’ minds are consoled. We welcome all believers to attend the assembly and express their compassion. With communal great compassion, all monastics and congregation of Hua Zang Si temple in San Francisco will hold Prayer Dharma Assembly to express their condolences for the victims of Haiti Earthquake. In the Dharma Assembly, a sutra will be chanted and the merit will be dedicated to the victims so that the deceased will rest in peace and their families’ minds are consoled. We welcome all believers to attend the assembly and express their compassion.

Official Website: http://www.huazangsi.org

Added by zhengxiangsi on January 14, 2010

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