222 West St
Keene, New Hampshire 03431

Far From Close combines thoughtfully simple lyrics with passionate vocals and a contagiously percussive rhythm section, mixing acoustic rock with undertones of jazz, for a truly unique sound. Their music has been described as "poetic and engaging" with "mesmerizing chord progressions and rhythms". Typical live performances cover the full range of emotion from deeply expressive ballads and mid-tempo toe-tappers to all out acousta-rock jams that encourage people to get up and move.

Manny Jasus (guitar and vocals) is a singer-songwriter from Concord, NH offers his own unique style of insight and personality. Steven Guerrera (bass) brings a funky-smooth 6-string fretless bass to the works and leads the attack with dancing hooks and blistering solos.

"We write and play these songs to offer hope . . . a crying, falling down on our knees confession of the need for change, first in our own hearts and lives, and then in our world . . . deep and powerful songs about deconstructing what we think we know, tearing down the walls of habit that have been raised around our hearts and rebuilding our relationships and faith based on truth and love and Jesus. It's hard to be those agents of change, but we're not alone . . . and the sooner we realize that and cling to each other and to Jesus, then the sooner a lasting change can happen."

Official Website: http://www.myspace.com/mannyjasus

Added by The Power Station on December 12, 2008

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