660 Stanford Shopping Center
Palo Alto, California 94304

Join Mike Neuendorff, The Growth Coach, a Constant Contact Authorized Local Expert, for this engaging, robust, and informative workshop.

With all the new ways you can communicate with your customers these days, there’s still no better 1:1 communication tool than email. And using email and social media together in an integrated engagement strategy means you can more thoroughly engage the customers that are most likely to respond.

In this interactive session you’ll learn how to develop an targeted email marketing campaign, and integrate social media into that campaign to increase the level of involvement individuals have with your brand or non-profit when responding to that campaign. More engaged responses equal more enthusiastic customers! You’ll get a comprehensive look at best practices and winning strategies that will lead you to increased engagement, revenue, and resulting profits.

Free, RSVP required

RSVP here: http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07e6hybxbh0f35f301&llr=l89ntucab

Added by Kenneth Pabalate on October 19, 2012

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