1924 Cedar (at Bonita)
Berkeley, California

Dear Friends,

You are invited to see the film

about Urban Organic Farming in Cuba
Saturday, April 12, 7 PM
Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalist Hall
1924 Cedar at Bonita

After the 53 minute film there will be a discussion about
how to organize vegetable gardening here in the East Bay.

Can we grow food in every front and back yard?
Can people with land and skills and strong backs
co-operate to grow and share food?

Members and Friends of the Fellowship plan to grow
food on the land on Bonita Street, and we plan to
invite our neighbors to do the same in their yards.
(We'll fill you in as the plan matures.)
We can grow and share food everywhere.

Cuba had to grow urban organic food starting
in the nineties, when they ran out of gas and
chemicals and subsidies.

And now that gas and food are becoming more
and more expensive here, it is time for us to
become urban farmers.

Let's talk about it, starting on Saturday, April 12.

Yours in Peace and Solidarity
Laurence Schechtman 510-540-1975

PS We even have a mantra. It's "Growww"

PPS Feel free to forward this to all your friends.

Added by spidra on April 11, 2008

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