Delaware Suite, Marriott Wardman Park & Omni Shoreham Hotels
Washington, District of Columbia 20008

The Poem as Ghost/ Haunted Americas

Camille Norton
Marilyn Nelson
Samiya Bashir
Kevin Prufer
Ramon Garcia
Matthew Zapruder

What speaks through us when we speak of America? To what extent are certain poems ghosted or possessed by the past? This panel offers a poetic inquiry into a nation haunted by the wounds, silences, and the psychic return of history. We consider the ghosts of, among others, Emmett Till, Edgar Allan Poe, the war dead, the bodies of those displaced through migration, and the ghostly landscape of an America repressed by the strip-malls and freeways of our postmodern experience.

Official Website:

Added by Scryptkeeper on November 21, 2010

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