20 Talbot Ave
Somerville, Massachusetts 02144

The Pierrot Project is a semester-long interdisciplinary exploration of Schoenberg's Pierrot lunaire (1912), for voice and chamber ensemble, one of the most important and influential works of the twentieth century. It includes undergraduate and graduate courses on the work's historical and cultural origins team-taught by musicologist Joseph Auner and pianist Donald Berman; faculty and student ensembles performing the piece; new Pierrot-inspired compositions by Tufts composers Stefan Anderson, William Kenlon, Kevin Laba, Michael Laurello, and Kevin Warren; an exhibit in the Slater Concourse of the Aidekman Arts Center; and guest lectures by faculty from across the university. The project will culminate with a performance of Pierrot lunaire and related works, featuring guest vocalist Susan Narucki, on April 5 in the Distler Performance Hall.
View full details of the events surrounding the project here: http://as.tufts.edu/music/musiccenter/events/PierrotProject.htm. The concert has been made possible by the Granoff Music Fund.

Added by Granoff Music Center on March 16, 2012