924 San Juan Road
Sacramento, California 95834

The Peace Lutheran Ministries annual Crab & Shrimp Feed is scheduled for Saturday, February 9, 2008.
The social hour begins at 5:30 p.m. and dinner is served at 6:30 p.m.
The event ends between 9-10 p.m. Tickets are $40 if purchased by February 3rd. After that date, tickets go up to $45. Purchase tickets from Terry Werner or Fawn McCandless after December 15, 2007.
We will have all you can eat crab & shrimp, antipasto, salad, bread, pasta and dessert. We will also have a raffle, silent auction, and a live auction. You can help with these things by donating the use of your vacation home, or hosting a wine and cheese party or donating items for one of the many raffle baskets. Basket themes include Valentine’s Day, camping, fishing, handyman, scrap booking, kitchen, board games, etc. Purchase tickets to fill a table of eight (1 check only), we’ll have a bottle of wine and a butter warmer (with butter) waiting for you.
Please invite your family and friends.

For more information, contact Terry Werner at (916) 215-9929 or
email [email protected]

Official Website: http://www.peacelutheranministries.org

Added by PeaceLutheranMinistries on December 28, 2007