7318 Huron Avenue
Lexington, Michigan 48450

The first thing you notice is The Voice, unique and distinctive, the voice of a man who has walked a long, hot span over dusty Mississippi country roads. At turns soulful, raw, melancholy, brazen, funky, circumspect, serene, brooding, and mutinous, the voice expresses the range of human emotions, from forlorn grimness to incandescent optimism. And after repeated listens, you realize that his is not merely the voice of a poet but also of a merciful prophet, a summation not unjustified. Those who follow the career of Paul Thorn believe he is both.

"Hook after hook, cut after memorable cut, until it becomes undeniable that you are in the hands of a master."
— The Boston Herald

"The real deal comes along infrequently these days...word of a record this good will spread."
— San Francisco Chronicle

"...the best kept secret in the music business."
— Kris Kristofferson

Official Website: http://www.lexmtc.com

Added by LEXMTC on April 13, 2009

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