46 Langham Street
London, England W1W 7

Meet other local fans of the Nintendo DS, the innovative dual-screen portable handheld game console from Nintendo. Mario Kart, Bomberman, Metroid Prime Hunters and beer!

It's summer, so what better way to spend the long hot days than in a pub!

Some of us will be battling it out in a mini tournament. Taking part is optional, you don't have to, you can cheer and yell and taunt instead, if you like. But if you fancy pitting your skillz, join in!

For this meet it's TETRIS. It'll start about 8pm, so get practicing!

The winner is crowned the finest Tetris DS player in the City of London - what with this being the only DS group that matters.

Official Website: http://nintendods.meetup.com/7

Added by thiswayup on July 22, 2007