18271 McDurmott West
Irvine, California 92614

This is human energy anatomy for holistic practitioners and sensitive persons; human energy made simple. Understanding trapped emotions and ways to release them. No chakras. No hands-on healing; it's unsafe for many sensitive persons. NO CLAIRVOYANCE REQUIRED.

Does eliminating your physical aches and pains still elude you? Feeling cynical virtually no one can “work” the Law of Attraction? Do you suspect healers often look great, regardless of age, because they clear unresolved issues before they become physical issues? The New Energy Anatomy (2011) is a set of ten Tools That Heal for self-healing or to strengthening your client practice.

Two Textbooks: The NEW Energy Anatomy: Nine new views of the human energy system that don't require clairvoyance
The Emotion Code by Bradley Nelson

All effective wellness practitioners and self-healers use maps of human energy to navigate into and resolve concerns. Traditional metaphysical maps of human energy:

- auras, chakras,
- reflex points, and
- meridians and acupuncture points

are all common―and commonly confusing to students because they are technical subjects, are invisible, and cannot be experienced consistently and reliably by students, unless the student is already clairvoyantly awake. Under 1% of the population is awake clairvoyantly.

What about physical anatomy? It is a basic map; knowledge of organs and cells is useful. But taken alone it tells us little about subtle energy that formed and informs our blood, tissues and bones. Physical anatomy alone cannot bring students to a direct experience of human energy.

Touch for Health demonstrated to tens of thousands of people, "If you can feel it, it's real for you." After 40 years of Touch for Health and other muscle-testing, this fresh approach to human energy; and to a lesser extent, thru dozens of curriculums for dowsing, better-simpler-easier approaches to working with human energy appeared, culminating in a textbook: The NEW Energy Anatomy (2011). Each new view of human energy is entirely accessible by self-muscle-testing of any kind, no clairvoyance required.

Official Website: http://healingcoach.org/certificate-courses-5-19-12/

Added by The Healing Coach on June 19, 2012

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