701 S Nedderman Dr
Arlington, Texas 76010

Friday, September 28, 2007
Brown Bag Conversations Lecture Series

Title: The Nature of Prejudice: Thoughts of a Gay, German-American, Jewish Professor

Speaker: Douglas Klahr, Architecture

How does prejudice work? What allows Jews, themselves the victims of prejudice, to feel justified in discriminating against gays? As a gay man born into a Jewish New York family that was traumatized by the Holocaust, the Jewish homophobia that I have experienced raises these questions. In this talk I will use my multiple identities as a springboard to examine the roots of prejudice, which at base reduces complex human beings to one-dimensional stereotypes.

Location: 6th Floor Parlor, Central Library
Sponsor: UT Arlington Conversations Team


Official Website: http://www.uta.edu/events/main.php?view=event&eventid=1183404668610