38 S. St. Clair
Toledo, Ohio 43604

Very special thanks to last months speakers: Ms. Jamella Jones of The Greater Toledo Urban League, County Commissioner Ben Konop, George Robinson of Minority Contractors Business Assistance Program, Dr. Francis Dumbuya author of Winning Strategies of Successful People, and last but not least Lisa Oliver of The Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.

TLC-Thosefellas LLC.-Proud Sponsor of The City of Toledo 4 Square Tournament and Block Party. We will not lose.

TLC-Thosefellas LLC. would like to invite the best and brightest to The N.E.T.T. The N.E.T.T. is true networking at its best. If your looking to upgrade your network of connections this is the place for you. Everyone that attends is garuarteed to meet someone new. The best part about the function besides the people is it's free. We invite professionals and entrepruenuers to mix and mingle in the classy Fusion's Liquification Lounge. We look forward to meeting each and everyone of you.

N.E.T.T.=Networking. Entertainment. in Toledo. by Thosefellas.

Special thanks to The Greater Toledo Urban League for their partnership. We really do appreciate your support.

We look forward to collaborating with other organizations in the near future.

Information/directions for the next N.E.T.T.

The next networking function takes place on July 31, 2008, at the beautiful and classy Fusion's Liquification Lounge (38 S St. Clair). Fusion's is just one block over from 5/3rd Field and Frickers restaurant. The event will start at 530pm, and end at 9pm.

Bring your friends and co-workers. Cut and paste this information and share with other professionals. Come join the premiere networking function, and expand your personal and professional relationships, so that Toledo may grow to be all that it possible can.
This month's theme is "buy Toledo." We have special guest lined up to discuss the very reason why supporting our city is so important. We promise to have the speakers take no more then 20 minutes of your time, then it''s back to the mixing and mingling. Great night for professionals to meet other professionals, and to gain connections, so that we may all grow, and Toledo may reap the benefits.

TLC-Thosefellas LLC Mission:

Thosefellas LLC is a innovative organization that connects people for the purpose of community growth.

Official Website: http://www.myspace/thosefellas

Added by Thosefellas on July 24, 2008

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