2300 Bancroft Way
Berkeley, California 94704

Barefoot Chamber Concerts continues its mission to help you start the weekend right. The series ("an enterprise noted for both its quality and informality" - San Francisco Classical Voice) presents really good music in the right acoustic and without the formality of most classical music events. Our concerts start at 6 on Fridays and last no more than 75 minutes. Kids are very welcome if quiet, and admission under 18 is free. Light refreshments are available before, during, and after the concert. There will be ample time to move on to other evening entertainments.

Barefoot is delighted to present Bay Area recorder virtuosa Judith Linsenberg, accompanied by Katherine Heater, harpsichord, in a recital: "The Most Excellent Recorder."

The recorder had a long history as an esteemed chamber instrument in its own right. However, after the Baroque period it was largely ignored before being revived in the early 20th century. For a while, then, it was mostly played by eccentrics and schoolchildren, until recent decades, when the instrument was rescued by a handful of fine soloists.

Judith Linsenberg, a player of "astonishing precision" and "infectious verve", is indeed one of those handful, and will demonstrate the amazing range and flexibility of the instrument, accompanied by the Bay Area's own star harpsichordist, Katherine Heater.

The program will be approximately 60 - 75 minutes with no intermission. The usual light refreshments will be available.

Official Website: http://barefootchamberconcerts.com

Added by FullCalendar on November 3, 2011

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