1925 N. Halsted St.
Chicago, Illinois 60614

It is hard to imagine a more frightening experience for a child than being sick and in the hospital. However, for hundreds of children in Chicago that troubling time is turned into a time of learning and creativity through the programs of Snow City Arts.

Snow City Arts teaches young patients the art of creative writing, music, painting, photography and filmmaking. This year’s artwork, created by more than 300 local children, will be featured at Snow City Arts’ 13th annual Gallery Night on June 24th at Floating World Gallery in Lincoln Park. Guests will view and bid on stunning group pieces made when inpatient children join Snow City Arts’ Artists-in-Residence for enriching and educational art activities.

To learn more about Snow City Arts and to get your tickets, visit www.snowcityarts.com.

Official Website: http://www.snowcityarts.com/events.html

Added by Kay Lin on June 2, 2011

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