2001 Farnam St
Omaha, Nebraska 68102

The Misfits
Feb. 3 – 13, 2011
Fri at 7pm; Sat & Sun at 2pm
Four adolescent misfits have decided that enough is enough. For years, their weight, intelligence, sexual orientation and troubled nature have made them the targets of relentless ridicule. Tired of being defined by hurtful labels, they decide to run for student council on a platform of change. Their message: no more name-calling. What they win is more than they ever could have imagined! Recommended for ages 10 and older. Contains situations or themes that may warrant conversation before or after seeing the show. Interpretation for the hearing impaired will be offered at the 2pm show on Saturday, Feb.12.

Added by cathy.m400 on December 23, 2010

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