1241 E Kearsley St
Flint, Michigan 48503

Ticket Center: 810-237-7333 Sat, Feb 13, 2010 at 8pm Earning recognition as the foremost Gilbert and Sullivan touring repertory company in the country, Opera a la Carte brings to life the hysterically funny operetta The Mikado or The Town of Titipu, performed with a full orchestra. The story focuses around The Mikados son who flees to avoid an unwanted marriage, only to fall in love with an engaged woman. The hapless lovers face social restrictions, legal inconsistencies, judicial inequities and government stupidities, making it an absolute tragic tale if it werent so hysterically funny! The Mikado has been translated into numerous languages and remains one of the most frequently played musical theatre pieces in history.

Added by Upcoming Robot on February 2, 2010