3376 Peachtree Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30326

As a benefit to a local charity, the last Wednesday of each month, NEO, the delicious farm-to-table restaurant at The Mansion on Peachtree, A Rosewood Hotel & Residence, will host a special, candlelit event – NEO Unplugged – for guests who wish to spend a romantic, relaxing evening free from intrusion. Guests will entrust their hi-tech distractions – cell phones, blackberries, iphones and ipods – to The Mansion while they enjoy the soft candlelight illuminating the restaurant, nosh on light, farm-fresh dishes prepared by Chef Scott Hemmerly and surrender to the soothing sounds of acoustical music. This month 10% of the proceeds from all food sales will be donated to the Georgia Restaurant Association, whose efforts include assisting Slow Food Atlanta with their relief assistance for local farms that were affected by the recent flood. Though NEO is now a special event venue in the evenings, it will be open for dinner guests each month for the Unplugged benefit.

For more information or to make reservations for NEO Unplugged , contact NEO at -

Added by kcpr.atlanta on October 21, 2009

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