10 West 18th St
New York, New York 10011

How exactly does a book become a Bestseller? Find out from a bestselling writer and the publishing team behind her, at The Women's National Book Association-NYC Chapter's upcoming panel event. Featuring Helen Simonson, author of the bestselling novel Major Pettigrew's Last Stand (Random House, 2010). Moderated by: Pace University MS in Publishing faculty Jane Kinney-Denning, Dir. of Internships and Corporate Outreach, and Manuela Soares, Dir. of the Graduate Seminar. Refreshments, plus an opportunity to mingle with attendees and panelists before and afterwards! Registration is Free for WNBA Members; $ 10.00 for Non Members. Info on WNBA membership at http://wnba-nyc.org/membership. *Wix Lounge is a free co-working and event space sponsored by Wix.com. The WNBA would like to express its gratitude to Wix.com for their generous support of this event!

Added by Rachel Feldman on October 25, 2011

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