Immortalised by the 2002 SF Guardian?s top 10 sexiest people list, Oakland trio The Lovemakers take their own brand of biting electro-pop dance songs and accentuate them with a lusty aesthetic. Sometimes sensual, sometimes aggressive, their airtight sound is bathed in the melodic phrases and atmospheres of their 80s synth-pop influences such as Duran Duran and New Order, as well as modern pioneers Bjork, and The Flaming Lips. A Lovemakers show is described by one colleague "like a pink Ferrari driving through mountains of coke".
TLM is comprised of Stanford-educated marine biologist turned circus musician, Lisa Light's propulsive bass lines, searing electric violin solos, and powerful vocals that tantalize with the raw energy of riotgrrrl. Pop prodigy Scott Blonde propels it forward with esoteric Robert Smith-style guitar lines, potent vocals, and on-stage convulsions. Scott and Lisa enrapture audiences with their manic sexual energy. Whether they are indeed romantically involved offstage remains a mystery. Surveying the mayhem from his robotic electronic perch is Manchester, U.K. native computer whiz, Jason Proctor, who provides euro-tinged laptop beats and shimmering synthesizers that flow like lava onto the dancefloor. Known for their sweat-drenched live performances that feature driving dance beats, cooing boy-girl vocals, guitar & vibrator duets, classical electric violin, and occasional spontaneous make out sessions, it's the band's minimalist approach to perfect pop songs and superior musicianship that creates their deeply satisfying sound.
Added by minjungkim on May 22, 2004