9800 Preston Road
Dallas, Texas 75230

The story of Christmas comes to life at Preston Hollow Presbyterian Church on Monday, December 15 and Tuesday, December 16. PHPC presents "The Living Creche," a live re-enactment of the nativity under starry skies in the church's pecan grove at the corner of Preston Road and Walnut Hill Ln. The presentation replays every 15 minutes from 7:30 p.m.-9 p.m. Enjoy hot chocolate and the heart-warming story of Jesus' birth in a manger in Bethlehem more than 2,000 years ago.

The "Living Creche" has been a PHPC tradition since 1954. Make it a part of your family's tradition.

To see all Advent Activities at PHPC, please visit our website: www.phpc.org/advent_glance

Preston Hollow Presbyterian Church is located at 9800 Preston Road, on the northeast corner of Preston and Walnut Hill Ln., just two blocks east of the Dallas North Tollway.

Official Website: http://www.phpc.org/advent_glance

Added by phpccommunications on December 5, 2008