223 N Broadway Ave
Urbana, Illinois 61801

The Celebration Company wraps up the 2009-10 season with 'The Little Dog Laughed' by Douglas Carter Beane, directed by Mathew Green. 'The Little Dog Laughed' is a wickedly funny play about Mitchell, an up-and-coming Hollywood actor who wants only two things: a great role in a film adaptation of a great play... and to come out of the closet. His agent, Diane, a sharp-tongued, mile-a-minute force-of-nature, will do anything to assure her client's stardom (and keep his secret a secret). Enter Alex, a young hustler who answers Mitchell's call and eventually wins his heart. Exit Ellen, Alex's rather confused girlfriend, who is not sure what to make of all this. Suggested for mature audiences.

Added by Upcoming Robot on July 21, 2010