9813 4th St Nw
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87114

King Henry II of England has three sons by Eleanor of Aquitaine: Richard, Geoffrey, and John. He wants the kingdom to stay united after his death, but all three sons want to rule and it is likely to be torn apart by revolution. Henry favors the youngest John, while Eleanor favors the eldest, Richard. Middle son Geoffrey hopes to play both ends against each other and come out on top. Henry would like to have another heir by his mistress Alais, but that would only add to the confusion. Uneasy is the head on which the crown lies, and uneasy the truce between a matchless king and queen. Often revived, this play was the basis of the Oscar-winning film that starred Peter O'Toole and Katharine Hepburn.Directed by Kenneth BenningtonDate: March 26 - April 18, 2010Performances:Fridays & Saturdays at 8 PM Sundays at 2 PM Reservations strongly recommended for all shows.Reservations: Call 898-9222Advance reservations are accepted onMonday - Thursday from 9 AM to 5 PMFriday from 9 AM to 4 PM. Ticket prices for musicals:$14 General Admission$12 Seniors or Students

Added by Upcoming Robot on April 1, 2010