309 W Morgan St
Durham, North Carolina 27701

The Kruger Brothers personify the spirit of exploration and innovation that forms the core of the American musical tradition. Their original music, composed by Jens Kruger (recent Blue Ridge Music Hall of Fame inductee), is crafted around their discerning taste, and the result is unpretentious, cultivated, and delightfully fresh. Through their numerous CD releases, radio and television performances, lectures, and collaborative efforts, the Kruger Brothers' powerful artistic state¬ment inspires and enlightens. The Kruger Brothers draw from a rich cultural palette, seamlessly blending elements of folk, bluegrass, jazz and classical music into a sound of their own. Their virtuoso playing combined with their interactions with each other and with their audience makes every concert a unique experience
The Kruger Brothers will perform the first set on their own; they will be joined in the second set by a string quartet to perform their Appalachian Concerto. Composed by Jens Kruger in 2010, the Appalachian Concerto is a work for banjo, bass, guitar, and string quartet. Innovative, challenging, and beautiful, the piece takes the ensemble playing that the Kruger Brothers are famous for to an entirely new level of musicianship. From the first notes to the last cadence, the piece celebrates Appalachia – the history, the landscape, and the culture – in a way that only the Kruger Brothers can. They released Appalachian Concerto on CD in 2011, but you can experience a live performance version of this unique at this concert!

Official Website: http://www.pinecone.org

Added by pinecone_25 on August 6, 2012

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