386 Shoreline Drive South
Long Beach, California 90802

A live workshop for the woman who wants to express her real and best self so she can can go into the world with confidence and attract the special man who will become her loving life partner.

Hurry and get our earlybird price for just $99
(After Sun., Feb. 12 the price goes up to $147)

Register here: http://keytolastinglove.com/

Here is what you will do in this highly active live workshop:
~Recognize and appreciate who you are at your core and how that affects how you love.
~Learn how to use the way you love others to help you love yourself.
~Celebrate yourself as you are: a perfectly imperfect glorious woman!
~Learn why loving yourself not only attracts men but leads you to the right one.
~Learn the Five No-Fail Keys to getting and keeping a man's attention.
~Learn Four Ways to make friends with rejection.
~Practice how to gracefully reveal your very best self to men without seeming to brag or be too forward.
~Put it all together and become the woman who attracts good men who want lasting, meaningful love with a woman just like you.

Register here: http://keytolastinglove.com/

When you join us in this inspiring seaside location, be ready to:
~Actively participate in live group training and one-on-one personalized coaching. (This isn't a day of lectures; it's a day filled with exercises and activities that require you to take action and help you apply what you learn to real life.)
~Share your hopes and experiences with other single women who, like you, are committed to learning and growing so they and you find that good man to share their already-great lives.
~Turn the tables on your negative ideas about your worth and how men perceive you as a partner.
~Walk away with proven techniques that allow you to instantly change the way you see yourself and let others see you. (Especially the smart, strong, relationship-minded men.)

Your Workshop Leaders Are Experts in Helping Women Find Love:
~Bobbi Palmer, the Dating and Relationship Coach for Women over 40
~Tina Tessina, Ph.D., "Dr. Romance"

Not only do we specialize in helping women like you find love...it is our life work and our passion. We have helped thousands of women learn to love themselves, love men, and create and maintain fulfilling and loving relationships that last forever.

Register here: http://keytolastinglove.com/

Added by Bobbi Palmer on February 7, 2012