3131 olympic bl
Santa Monica, California 90404

We will host a special screening of the The Journey to Palomar, the recent PBS television documentary on the famous Pasadena astronomer George Ellery Hale and his epic battle to discover the secrets of the universe.

The film is the result of more than five years of work by Los Angeles filmmakers Todd and Robin Mason. It traces Hale's life and work as he struggles personally and professionally to build the greatest telescopes of the 20th century, resulting in the 20-year effort to build the million-pound Caltech telescope on Palomar Mountain --considered the moon shot of the 1930s and '40s.

The award winning documentary includes rare archival footage and interviews with Americas top scientists and historians. The film has been airing nationwide on PBS since last November.

More information and the film trailer can be seen at www.journeytopalomar.org and www.pbs.org/thejourneytopalomar.

The meeting is open to everyone. Please join us for another event in our "Year of Astronomy" series!

Added by millaiv on October 3, 2009

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