Studio 200, 640 South Main St.
Greenville, South Carolina 29601

Based on Nikolai Gogol's play "The Inspector General", this delightful 1949 musical comedy gives star Danny Kaye the opportunity to highlight his singing, dancing, joke-telling, acrobatics, face-pulling, tongue twisters, and more.

Johnny Green won a Golden Globe for Best Motion Picture Score for his work on the film.

"Danny Kaye is absolutely phenomenal in this movie! Be it the silly patter songs, slapstick at its purest, his quick timing, his wide-eyed innocent reactions to the corruption of the councilmen, or his heartwarming moments of honesty and warmth. He will send kids and adults alike into fits of laughter with his antics, and makes a lovable and memorable figure." Review from IMDb.

Director: Henry Koster
Stars: Danny Kaye, Elsa Lanchester
Genre: Musical Comedy
Runtime: 102 minutes
Rating: Unrated

Official Website:

Added by West End Movies on April 24, 2009

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