450 W Ohio St
Indianapolis, Indiana 46202

The Indiana Experience at the Eugene and Marilyn Glick Indiana History Center is a new way to live history! Step into three-dimensional re-creations of historic photographs complete with characters come to life in "You Are There." Let the latest technology take you back in time on virtual journeys throughout the state in "Destination Indiana." Pull up a stool at a cabaret and immerse yourself in the music of Hoosier legend Cole Porter in the Cole Porter Room. In the Fortune History Lab, get a behind-the-scenes, hands-on look at conservation and the detective work involved history research. Check out Lilly Hall, home of the Mezzanine Gallery, INVestigation Stations and Hoosier Legends. Participate in meaningful discussions about current events at the Indiana Town Hall Series. History should not be viewed, it should be experienced.

Added by Upcoming Robot on September 9, 2010