185 Court St
Binghamton, New York 13901

This month’s program focuses on stories from around the globe. A story from Argentina’s Leopolda Lugones, “Yzur,” tells of a scientist who is convinced he can teach a chimpanzee to speak. Pakistan’s Daniyal Mueenuddin's tale of “Nawabdin the Electrician” is an amusing tale of a poor man who has a foolproof technique for cheating the electric company. Our readers will be Bill Taylor and Sandy Monachino. We call it “a cocktail hour for the mind.” Come and be transported! Judy McMahon and the Hungry Ear Readers welcome you. For more information, please call the Library’s Information Desk at 607-778-6451.

Added by broomecountypubliclibrary on August 14, 2010