1617 Richmond Ave
Houston, Texas 77006

Put on your big boy pants because this ain’t no fancy wine tasting. Come down to one of our favorite Mexican food restaurants and be treated like an amigo as HSS hosts its first Tequila Tasting.

Our neigbors to the south have been perfecting this libation for hundreds of years and its time you were able to discern the different notes between brands, growing regions and altitude variations. There really is no better way to spend a Tuesday night – good friends, really good drinks and just a teeny bit of education.

* Free parking in the lot

How could you pass that up? Tasting is free to HSS Members and $10 for Non-Members. Not a member, not a problem, just visit houstonsocialsource.com and discover the possibilities, or call 713-630-0546.

Official Website: http://www.thehoustonsocialsource.com/

Added by eventscafe22 on August 28, 2012

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