2407 W 111th St
Chicago, Illinois 60655

Rated: R -language and sexual content. Running Time: 2 hours, 3 minutes.

"The History Boys" tells the story of an unruly class of bright, funny history students in pursuit of an undergraduate place at Oxford or Cambridge. Bounced between their maverick English master (Richard Griffiths), a young and shrewd teacher hired to up their test scored (Stephen Campbell Moore), a grossly out-numbered history teacher (Frances de la Tour), and a headmaster obsessed with results (Clive Merrison), the boys attempt to sift through it all to pass the daunting university admissions process. Their journey becomes as much about how education works, as it is about where education leads. Based on Tony Award winning play by LAan Bennett who also wrote the screenplay.

Official Website: http://www.beverlyartcenter.org

Added by Beverly Arts Center on February 28, 2007