Sutardia Dai Hall, UC Berkeley
Berkeley, California 94720

UC Berkeley Announces Day of Dialogue with Social Media Pioneers:
The pioneers of Social Media will gather at UC Berkeley on Saturday, December 5th for a day of dialogues with symposium participants on "The Future of the Forum: Internet Communities and the Public Interest".
Public forums are evolving rapidly, producing dramatic changes in politics and social behavior. How will innovations such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google Wave expand participatory democracy and enhance public interest nationally and internationally? As a public research university with a history of activism, UC Berkeley will host a day of panels and opportunities for discussion about the future of the forum.
Participants include:
* Jimmy Wales, Founder of Wikipedia
* Jim Buckmaster, CEO of craigslist
* Mitch Kapor, Co-Founder of the Electronic Frontier Foundation
* Judith Donath, Fellow, Harvard's Berkman Center
* Howard Rheingold, Critic and Author of Smart Mobs
* Dick Costolo, COO of Twitter
* Reid Hoffman, Founder of Linkedin
* Seth Goldstein, CEO of SocialMedia Networks
* Hubert Dreyfus, Professor of Philosophy, UC Berkeley
* Jane McGonigal, Director of Game Research, Institute of the Future
* Laura Sydell, National Public Radio

Saturday, December 5, 2009, 9am-7pm, at UC Berkeley Campus. Presented by the UC Berkeley Center for New Media (BCNM) with support from and The Institute for the Future.

Seating is limited. Registration is $345/person, $295 through Nov 23. Reduced rates and subsidies available for students, academics, and non-profit employees. Premium Ticket and Sponsorship opportunities also available.

For details and registration:

Questions?: [email protected] or 510-459-3505

Added by UC Berkeley Center for New Media on November 16, 2009