CITRIS and NERSC are organizing an event entitled, "The Future of Search" at the University of California, Berkeley on May 4, 2007. The goal is to have an interaction between UC Berkeley researchers and industry leaders in the search field; to help set an academic research agenda that is complementary to the needs of industry, as well as to discuss potential educational goals for students.
This event will examine the path towards the next generation of Search. This requires new technology for its development, engineering design and visualization. As the technological expertise for each component becomes increasingly complex, there is a need to better integrate them into a global model. The ultimate goal is to understand how we can fully mechanize search engines with cognitive and natural language capabilities. This event will endeavor to construct an overview of what is to come, to elucidate and formulate the main open questions in this grand quest and to highlight promising research directions.
Official Website:
Added by aymanshamma on April 16, 2007