1920 Fredericksburg RD
San Antonio, Texas 78201

Directed by Dave Cortez, this Americanized musical stage version adapted from the 1997 British film of the same name, six unemployed Buffalo steelworkers, low on both cash and prospects, decide to present a strip act at a local club after seeing their wives’ enthusiasm for a touring company of Chippendale’s. One of them, Jerry, declares that their show will be better the Chippendale’s dancers because they’ll go “the full monty” — strip all the way down. As they prepare for the show, working through their fears, self-consciousness, and anxieties, they overcome their inner demons and find strength in their camaraderie.

Official Website: http://woodlawntheatre.com/portfolio-view/apr-5-5-2013/

Added by cameodave on February 6, 2013