1602 W. Mile 10
Donna, Texas 78537

They're back!! Playihg the great hits of the 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's and 00's. You can stay at home and have boring sex or join us for a South Texas Party Nite at our back yard.

Official Website: http://www.fuelinjectednorbies.com/THE%20OFFICIAL%20HOME%20OF_files/folder/fin2.htm

Added by norbs on April 13, 2008



The easiest way to get there if traveling on Expressway 83 is to exit FM 493, Salinas Blvd, in Donna, TX. Go North, turn left and under the overpass if coming from McAllen area. Turn right on to FM 493 if coming from Weslaco area. Go North to Mile 10, there is a convinient store on the right hand side at the intersection. Turn Left you will go about a block FOOLS PARADISE is on your left hand side, on the south side of the road.

Interested 2