1800 Market St.
San Francisco, California 94142

This free Travel 101 workshop is for gay, lesbian, and bisexual travelers who are wondering if it's safe and preferable to look beyond the usual gay cruise lines and group tours. We will discuss how to travel independently, while still working within the boundaries often imposed on gay/bisexual travelers in a world that isn't always hospitable to the queer lifestyle.

Get tips on research, packing, safety and health, itinerary planning, meeting locals and travelers, cultural sensitivity, and more. The workshop will also include a discussion on the realities of tolerance across international communities, and give participants a chance to both voice and soothe any fears that may be holding them back from striking out alone or heading for an unusual, off-the-beaten-trail destination.

This workshop is presented during Travel Education Week, a nationwide series celebrating the 100th anniversary of Hostelling International and the 75th anniversary of Hostelling International USA.

Official Website: http://hosteladventures.org

Added by HI-USA Golden Gate Council on February 12, 2009