388 Woodland Ave.
Lexington, Kentucky 40502

The Features
w/ The Deloreans

Live at Cosmic Charlie's
388 Woodland Ave.
Lexington, KY 40502

Saturday, March 26th

9 p.m. doors
$8 admission

Presented by Sprouse House Productions

The Features - http://www.myspace.com/thefeatures

"The Features love to keep it short but sweet. The four-piece from Nashville, Tennessee has distinguished their precise formula since their formation in 1997, being the ability to construct fun and catchy pop songs that rarely exceed three minutes in length. When the Kings of Leon cited The Features as one of their biggest influences, it came as no big surprise. After all, the two groups aren’t that dissimilar, both geographically and musically. Though the Kings of Leon are certainly more vocally intense, both utilize the naturalization of rock music with leading guitars, aided keys, and bouncing rhythms. The Features are more accessible though, producing an odd power-pop cross between The Shins and Modest Mouse, particularly on “Contrast”. Their influences are a bit more expected, giving the typical nods to Ray Davies, Elvis Costello, Randy Newman, and the Talking Heads." - Obscuresound.com

The Deloreans - http://thedeloreans.net/

"As of their second record, The Deloreans have seriously begun to live up to their name. They seem to have reached 88 miles per hour, and are consequently able to transport us into the past as well as the future. There are a lot of 1970s and 80s stylings going on in their music and have garnered many a comparison to Bobby Vinton, one of my personal favorite artists (for the arrangements moreso than his voice) of the 60s and 70s. Their sound is a more raw and rock driven than the easy listening music that their sound seems to be reminiscent of, at times incorporating elements of everything from surf rock to prog rock to dream pop. They mix the timelessness of the Beatles with the epic full sound of The Morning Benders and the sound of all your favorite classic movies with some distinctly 21st century sensibilities and humor." - Malleus & Incus

Added by dameonmain on February 25, 2011