7pm $22
tix: https://tickets.somasandiego.com/
This Oberst guy certainly gets around. Check this out if you're not going to coachella. The Faint will be playing some of their own stuff which is well worth going an evening without beer for.
"Bright Eyes will tour this spring backed by a band featuring three members of the Faint plus longtime producer Mike Mogis, Yeah Yeah Yeahs guitarist Nick Zinner, Cursive cello player Gretta Cohn, violinist Anton Patnzer and drummer Shane Aspegren. The trek, which will also feature a set by the Faint, will begin April 28 in Kansas City, Mo., and wrap June 10 in San Diego."
Added by joonspoon on April 1, 2005
$22 is sorta steep, and the Digital Ash songs (which this show will pretty much exclusively be) mostly aren't so hot. OTOH, the Faint really rock live, and the visuals are *really* good.
i would see this. but god i hate the soma.
Gads, you don't *really* want to see this do you? $22, no booze, a shitload of emo kids, and Soma's kinda not so hot unless maybe you're crammed up at the front amidst the aformentioned kids. Then again, maybe you do.