Thank you for your kind attention.
Though you may not wish to hear it, there will be yet another episode
of the F.W. Thomas Performances to take place MONDAY NOV. 13, at 7:30
PM, at the Warehouse Theater.
We hope you will come and experience the artistic and/or literary
vibrations of:
"David" Glenn Dixon, sharing a personal (and A/V-enhanced) "trek"
into the music of Leonard Nimoy.
Matthew Summers-Sparks, a/k/a Ol' Sparky, reading fiction. Did you
know he recently wrote about secret rooms for the New York Times?
T.M. "Mike" Lowery, presenting scenes from a marriage through the
sheer veil of the cartoon form.
And Adam Mazmanian, who promises to defend his chosen
hairstyle using examples from ancient Egyptian Art.
There will be beer and other drinks for sale. You will need them. Art
will be bought and sold. Special guests may be summoned as if from
thin air.
Please inform your friends, colleagues, and acquaintances to plan to
attend the event that the literary press has termed, " D.C.'s most
comprehensive multimedia performance evening."
The Warehouse Theater is located at 1017-1021 7th Street NW. It is a
short and not altogether unpleasant walk from the Chinatown/Gallery
Place Metro. Phone is 202-783-3933. Admission is still only three
freaking dollars. Proceeds go to the F.W. Thomas Memorial Moo Goo Gai
Pan Fund.
Official Website:
Added by cupcake on November 2, 2006